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Cleveland, Waters and Bass, P.A., provides the contents of our web site for informational purposes only, and we hope that you will find the information to be useful and informative.


By publishing information on our web site, we are not providing legal advice. If you have a legal question or otherwise need legal advice, then you should consult with an attorney before making any decision. Your attorney will work with you so that you can understand how the law applies to your particular circumstances. A few articles on a website are not a substitute for good legal advice.


Although we endeavor to ensure that the information is accurate and current at the time we publish it, laws change. Legislative bodies enact new statutes, regulatory agencies promulgate new rules, municipalities issue new ordinances, and courts issue new opinions. In addition, political winds shift, and practical considerations change. Accordingly, the information may not reflect the current state of law at the time you read it.


Our website contains links to other web sites. We provide those links, because we think that you might find the information on those sites to be interesting or informative. We, however, are not responsible for the content of those sites, and we do not necessarily approve or endorse the content of those sites.


Some material on our website may constitute attorney advertising.

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Cleveland, Waters and Bass, P.A., understands that privacy is a concern for web users, and we are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit our web site.


We do not collect any personally identifiable information from you, unless you voluntarily choose to submit or otherwise disclose your information to us. We do not sell your personally identifiable information to third parties. We do not use cookies or any other active tracking tools. We do gather anonymous, general information, which we use to help us improve our web site.

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© Cleveland Waters and Bass, P.A.

Two Capital Plaza

5th Floor

Concord, NH 


P | (603) 224-7761

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